ISN 9.09% 6.0¢ isonea limited

"Kiril is right and people should listen a little closer to what...

  1. 1,022 Posts.
    "Kiril is right and people should listen a little closer to what he has to say, he knows what he is talking about as he has has first hand experience in publicly listed companies and industries."

    Your right, he has first hand knowledge with one that failed, whoopee do, tell us about the one he had successs in, tell us about the one that he drove forward, and won in, tell us about the one that came through.....Its very easy to be a part of a company that loses, but much harder to drive one through to winning.....I wouldnt listen to a guy who has run a losing company, and had one chance at a win or lose, Id much rather hear from one who has had a winning company, then taken a chance on getting another one up......wecan all back losers, and more often than not we do, but its harder to see through the chaff and back a winner.....why would I want to hear from someone who has participated in a losing company, there are squillions out their to learn from.
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