SVG 15.4% 2.2¢ savannah goldfields limited

Ann: Georgetown Project Acquisition Financing and Ops Update, page-19

  1. 5,494 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3501
    My problem Rob is over many years this company has underperformed and not unlocked wealth for holders. They are responsible for the mess financially we are in. So why do they continue to benefit over LTH’s. Now they finally decide after many years of not a lot of action to motivate.

    The company hands out millions of shares plus inflated interest loan rates, which basically ensures total control by benefiting the very top select few with opportunities of owning very very cheap shares.

    What do the LTH’s get or have ever got? It’s a case of a massive board (considering what LNY has really done) just look at the controlling stake holders in LNY. Where are the so called institutionals.? T20 hasn’t changed that much over recent years. Select few just keeps on reaking the benefits, while LTH’s just put up with these conflicts imo.

    By doing this time and time again has exactly impeded on any chance that you or anyone else trying to implement change. That’s sadly why and what has happened. It’s total company protectionism in my opinion.

    Anyway hope SP goes up before this consolidation happens and exit.
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