MBK 0.00% 1.5¢ metal bank limited

Ann: Gold Mineralisation Intersected - Eidsvold Project, page-25

  1. 2,092 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 103
    This is why you are downramping

    I couldn't assign even $1m of value to the company from the Eidsvold prospect after this latest round of drilling. I doubt they could even on sell the tenement for half that amount.

    Wouldn't be here if I didn't expect to get grazed and bruised a bit but triumph in the end so to speak

    I can cop natural sell off and holders getting bored and wanting to sell but you are deliberately creating doubt for your own financial advantage.

    Your not holding so why bother posting?
    Last edited by MandB: 21/09/17
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