MBK 0.00% 1.5¢ metal bank limited

Ann: Gold Mineralisation Intersected - Eidsvold Project, page-36

  1. 2,568 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 47
    "Drilling has shown that they are on the right track "

    Can you explain with reference to drill hole assays from Eidsvold how that statement is even remotely accurate.

    My earlier post pointed out what is available information from the announcement, for all who care to read, that the drilling has shown that they are way off the beaten track!

    Again, 3 out of 5 holes did not even have an intercept of 0.1g/t for the entire length!

    Metalbank have now drilled 5 holes into the Mt Brady prospect for no intervals greater than 3m in length!

    "The fundamentals are there for this to succeed. "

    The facts would dispute that statement. Care to point out what these 'fundamentals' are that you talk of?

    "I can think of at least 50 deposits that majors walked over due to inflexibility and lack of understanding of what is on the ground."

    And I can think of at least 50 deposits that majors have relinquished and being taken up by speculator asx listed companies, who have gone on to mine the shareholders for years.
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