LLL 0.00% 50.5¢ leo lithium limited

Ann: Goulamina Mining Services Contract Awarded to Specialist, page-68

  1. 5,822 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2611
    Mali GDP was estimated to be $US22billion for 2022.
    No way can they afford to buy into miners when they have to service a whole economy/Country. Geez, Market cap of our largest ten or so companies together would eat that up.
    Mali Government has to buy at market rates. Shortage of cash is the reason they have not taken up buying the extra 10% that the current mining code allows.
    The embargo/isolation last year cost them heaps in revenue.
    Give it a break. Your desperate efforts to downgrade LLL are only serving to make a fool of yourself.
    Last time i looked the trend says the SP is up.
    The only reason i have not placed you on ignore is that your posts provide amusement.

    Last edited by manny100: 16/07/23
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