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  1. 3,260 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9243

    I had noticed the comment about AC being less effective as well
    . From a previous post of mine on AC.

    Also in a recent video by Geoinvest the presenter said, at a pinch, AC could be used for resource calculations. c17+ min mark. Good IMO to see an exploration geo talk through the announcements. He liked Green at the time but would be interesting to see comments now - AC first pass to locate zones for follow up - Tick, all good so far with follow up RC DD is my opinion of what they might be..
    Do patchy, relatively wide spaced, AC results automatically mean a dud project? Don't inspire much confidence either as witnessed by the sell off following recent announcements.

    While I don't like the reality you bring to analysis of early stage exploration results, most of the time that is what comes to pass. Tough ask to find a viable deposit and then take it through to development.

    I have said before - ignore @2ic's comments at your own peril. Evaluation of projects vs ever optimistic exploration geo perspective.
    Last edited by salpetie: 01/08/24
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