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As discussed in threads at the time of the failure, if there was...

  1. 330 Posts.
    As discussed in threads at the time of the failure, if there was a metallurgical issue then redesign is required, although most were hoping for a less comprehensive redesign.

    If the material in not sufficiently specified (yes, austenitic stainless is the H resistant standard) and if the casing is common material all the way, then re drilling appears the solution as the whole casing would appear to be suspect.

    Query, could the casings be economically pulled and new ones inserted?

    If the material was specified internally by GDY engineers, or if that aspect of design was outsourced there are different answers to who pays. The release was quiet on this issue.

    Would be interested to know what impact cr-ni stainless casing (5km of it) will have on costs.

    Biggest issue may be redrilling. H3 took 6 months (15/Aug/07 to 22/1/08) but Jolokia was quicker (approx 1500m / month.) Could be 5-8 months while a new pair of production wells are drilled and joined.

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