All the bad news is out? If so, could you please advise all of us mere mortals:
- What is the AISC of TRY going forward? Last known was massively over the PoG and the company was shedding money by the buketload.
- What is production guidance for next HY? Head grades and recovery rates have been trending down for 4 quarter straight.
- What is the next capital raising price to avoid insolvency? The auditors flagged TRY as a going concern.
- Where are those mythical whopper drill results that are going to save this company? Last results I saw didn't exactly set the house on fire.
Sure, some of those could be good news instead, but with TRY's track record, well, wouldn't be holding my breath (more like my nose).
All the bad news is out? If so, could you please advise all of...
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