NWE 0.00% 5.6¢ norwest energy nl

Good post mate. Appreciate this stuff takes time and in no way...

  1. 1,663 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 177
    Good post mate. Appreciate this stuff takes time and in no way am I knocking you or anyone else for that matter. Very disappointing when I need to rely on posts like yours to get an idea of what is going on. Pete, hello Pete. Remember us, your shareholders. If I can take off the rose coloured glasses for a second then yes we do have some positives that need to be mentioned. Celebrate your successes and be man enough to admit when things don't go according to plan. Shale is in its infancy in Aus so yep sometimes xxxx happens. I just wish our current state and future state was communicated a tad better. Dumb it down to my level so everyone can understand. ;-)
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