NWE 0.00% 5.6¢ norwest energy nl

Ann: Half Yearly Report and Accounts, page-36

  1. 4,566 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    mate yourve got it all twisted...
    as a professed former bull, why did you change your sentiment about norwest?...
    was it because the market changed its sentiment?
    did you all of a sudden not like these shales after previously liking them?

    in the appraisal of our resources there is absolutely nothing that discredits our shale...
    so in reality it is you just acting up and going along with herd mentality...

    why dont you just act on what you believed in, because there is no real reason why that belief should have changed... norwest has only gotten better... and this can be summarised as more evidence and news that gets us closer to a production well///

    get real mate...
    stop acting up
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