THL 0.55% $1.80 tourism holdings limited ordinary shares

Ann: HALFYR: THL: THL 6 months results release 31

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    • Release Date: 26/02/14 11:38
    • Summary: HALFYR: THL: THL 6 months results release 31 Dec 2013
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    26/02/2014 09:38
    REL: 0938 HRS Tourism Holdings Limited
    HALFYR: THL: THL 6 months results release 31 Dec 2013
    26th February 2014
    Strong half year results sets positive expectations for growth
    o Operating Profit Before Financing Costs and Tax (EBIT) of $7.2M up $1.9M on
    the prior corresponding period (pcp)
    o Net Profit After Tax of $2.5M versus a loss of $(0.5M) for pcp
    o Interim dividend of 5 cents per share declared versus 2 cents for pcp up
    o Net Debt decreased to $97M down $37M on the pcp
    o FY14 year end NPAT forecast of $10.5M up 175% on previous year actual
    result of $3.8M
    o Strategic financial goals set at the Annual Meeting are well on track
    thl today released an interim result well ahead of the previous year's
    performance setting a strong base for a dramatically improved FY14 result.
    Chairman of thl Mr Rob Campbell said: "We have publicly set some clear
    financial goals for the business and this result keeps us ahead of that plan
    and reinforces the commitments we have made to all shareholders."
    "We are now in a position to forecast a FY14 year end Net Profit after Tax of
    $10.5M which will be an increase of 175% on the prior year. The business is
    well on track with its transformation and a decisive focus on achieving
    appropriate returns for shareholders. The 5cps dividend should also be seen
    by all as a positive indication of our progress and commitment to those
    "thl has now positioned itself to protect recent gains with discipline and is
    creating a plan for growth.  As a board we are collectively focussed on both
    of these elements."
    thl Chief Executive Officer Mr Grant Webster said: "All parts of the business
    have growth planned for the FY14 year and are performing in line with those
    plans. Significantly, the approach to rectifying the Australian result is
    working and we remain confident in achieving an appropriate return on capital
    over the next 18 months."
    Mr Webster also said: "We are also very pleased with the net debt position of
    $97M at December. Whilst a portion of the decrease against guidance is
    timing, we can also now confidently forecast a net debt figure for June 2014
    of $95M, a drop of 40% since the New Zealand rentals merger in November 2012.
    This forecast net debt figure is after the payment of $5.6M to shareholders
    through the interim dividend to be paid in April 2014."
    Revenue for the half of $112M represented an increase of 4% on the pcp.
    Operating Profit before financing, joint venture earnings and tax (EBIT) of
    $7.2M was an increase of $1.9M on the pcp. All businesses performed in line
    with expectations.
    TAKE OUT COMMENT:   "thl forecasts strong growth for FY14 and a 150% increase
    in dividend payout."
    NZX:  THL  (Tourism Holdings Limited)
    This report has been based on the unaudited accounts which have been prepared
    in accordance with New Zealand equivalents to International Financial
    Reporting Standards (NZIFRS).
    Current Year NZ$m; Up/down %; Previous corresponding year NZ$M
    Total Operating Revenue $112.3M; Up 4%; $108.5M
    Operating Profit before tax $4.8M; Up 380%; $1.0M
    Less tax on operating profit $2.3M; Up 53%; $1.5M
    Profit after tax attributable to members of the listed issuer $2.5M; Up 600%;
    Earnings per share from continuing operations cps 2.2cps up 540%; (0.5) cps
    5cps dividend declared fully imputed.
    Record Date :  10th April 2014 (ex date 8th April 2014)
    Payment Date : 17th April 2014
    GROUP PERFORMANCE - Better than market forecast and more growth expected
    Group Revenue for the half year to 31st December 2013 rose 4% to $112.3
    million from $108.5 million and group operating profit before financing
    costs, joint venture earnings and tax (EBIT) increased to $7.2 million from
    $5.3 million. The positive results from the merger of the New Zealand rentals
    business and improved tourism group results were the primary drivers of the
    improved result. The Australian business, as previously forecast, traded down
    on prior year but is making outstanding progress on reducing costs and
    refocussing the business.  The USA had strong fleet sales throughout the 2013
    calendar year which limited rental revenue growth in the USA high season.
    The joint venture manufacturing business showed a significant turnaround in
    The board have been through a rigorous review of the key business units and
    are confident in the planned growth in profit and level of funds employed in
    each.  The board consider smart, low capital investments and leverage of the
    existing assets as critical.  The dividend and profit forecast for the
    company clearly support this approach.
    NEW ZEALAND RENTALS - Revenue up, synergies delivered
    The New Zealand rentals merger in November 2012 continues to be deemed a
    success.  Synergy expectations remain on track and the tourism market has
    shown positive signs of improvement.  Excess fleet as a result of the merger
    has been successfully exited and all synergies are now in place.
    Rental revenue for the six months was up 18% on the prior corresponding
    period (pcp) and vehicles sales revenue was up 60%.  EBIT was up 9% which
    takes into account the combined winter losses of the three merged entities.
    Both vehicle sales and rentals have started positively in the second half and
    EBIT for the six months to six months to June 2014 is expected to show growth
    in excess of 35% over the pcp. The second half focus is operational with
    maximum utilisation across the peak summer months and an expectation that
    year on year revenue growth will be sustained through to Easter.
    UNITED STATES RENTALS - Demand well up, more fleet required
    Rental revenue grew 2% within the Road Bear business. Further growth in
    rentals revenue was limited by reduced capacity at the rental peak as we took
    advantage of strong vehicle sales demand at the end of the last financial
    year. The 262 units sold for the half represented an increase of 14% on the
    pcp. EBIT was down 2% primarily due to peak fleet being down 5% on the prior
    year.  Return on average net Funds Employed for the six months was 27%.
    The increase in vehicle sales provides a more flexible and profitable model
    for the business. Peak rental fleet is expected to grow 5% in the 2015
    calendar high season.
    AUSTRALIAN RENTALS - Revenue down but costs down, funds out
    Rental revenue for the Australian business fell 18% for the half year and
    vehicle sales revenue fell 24% in NZD which includes the exchange rate impact
    of the appreciation of the NZD vs AUD. In AUD terms rental revenue was down
    8% and vehicle sales revenue down 15%. Fleet operating costs were reduced in
    line with revenue.
    The drop in rental revenue was expected given the market conditions and as a
    result the focus has continued to be on cash generation. Action taken
    resulted in funds employed in the Australian business reducing 21% from $89.0
    million to $70.6 million compared to December 2012.
    Vehicles sales slowed in the first quarter during the Australian election.
    Results subsequent to that have been in line with our planned fleet rotation.
    The commitments made at the Annual Meeting to achieve a proper return on
    investment in FY15 are on track. Key changes to management and ongoing
    operating cost reductions have created significant momentum towards a 14%
    Return on net Funds Employed.
    TOURISM BUSINESSES - Profit up and continuing revenue growth
    Fleet operating changes in Kiwi Experience and ongoing growth from multiple
    markets to Waitomo have resulted in a 16% increase in revenue for the half
    year and a 113% increase in EBIT to $1.7 million.
    The operating leverage in this business is significant and with New Zealand
    tourism recording record visitation levels we have expectations for ongoing
    growth in this part of the business.
    The current high season has been positive to date and, as with New Zealand
    rentals, there are indications the season will run longer than normal. This
    will provide strong second half growth.
    JOINT VENTURE MANUFACTURING (RV Manufacturing Group) - Profit turnaround, on
    thl's share of earnings increased to a profit of $0.7 million compared to a
    loss of $(0.7) million in the pcp. In line with the commitments made to
    shareholders at the Annual Meeting RVMG has turned around the business and is
    very aware of thl's expectations of the business.
    This significant turnaround reflects an unwavering focus to deliver within a
    cost down, production up, stable environment.
    The joint venture business has expectations of returning cash to thl over the
    coming years and continues to benchmark pricing and product quality against
    key manufacturing alternatives around the world. On this basis thl remains a
    supportive joint venture partner.
    thl's balance sheet is stronger than expected. Net debt stands at $97
    million at December 2013, down        $13 million (12%) on the market
    forecast.  Timing differences in fleet sales and capital expenditure account
    for approximately $8.0 million of this difference with the remaining $5.0
    million considered permanent.
    Net Debt is now expected to be $95 million at June 30th 2014. This will
    represent a $25 million reduction in net debt over the 12 month period.
    The 5 cents per share fully imputed interim dividend should be considered in
    context of the full year NPAT expectation of $10.5 million. The company is
    committing to continuing reduction in debt, an ongoing elimination of sub-par
    capital investment and EBIT growth in all business units. As a result we have
    the confidence to provide a dividend pay-out ratio at or around NPAT in 2014.
    Whilst this doesn't reflect a change in dividend policy for the company the
    current conditions warrant this pay-out.   The April 2014 dividend utilises
    the remaining imputation credits.  The tax losses currently held in New
    Zealand are expected to be utilised in full during FY15.
    The board has undergone a significant change over the past two years and is
    in the final stages of positioning itself with the desired skills and
    experience to continue the strong growth seen in recent times.
    The board recently resolved to appoint Christina Domecq to the board
    effective February 1st, 2014.
    The board has also created a new sub-committee focussed on marketing and
    customer experience recognising the strategic importance of these functions
    to the future of the business.  Christina Domecq and Kay Howe are the
    appointed members of this sub-committee.
    The FY14 NPAT is forecast at $10.5 million.
    New Zealand rentals is in the middle of a busy high season and in line with
    our growth expectations. Australia has a more stable forward book and is on
    track with further cost reductions, the USA high season forward book is
    strong and the tourism businesses high season is on track.
    The 175% expected increase in NPAT over FY13 reflects the recent actions
    undertaken and a positive operating leverage within thl.
    The board are very positive given the turnaround of the business and whilst
    remaining tight on capital expenditure will commence development of the next
    growth strategies over the coming months to enable continued growth in NPAT,
    Return on net Funds Employed and dividends paid in FY15.
    Authorised by:
    Rob Campbell
    Chairman, Tourism Holdings Limited
    For further information contact:
    Grant Webster
    thl Chief Executive
    Direct Dial: +64 9 336 4255
    Mobile: +64 21 449 210
    Mark Davis
    thl Chief Financial Officer
    Direct Dial:  +64 9 336 4212
    Mobile:        +64 27 444 0199
    About thl (
    thl is New Zealand's premier tourism company. We are listed on the NZX and
    are the largest provider of holiday vehicles for rent and sale in Australia
    and New Zealand.   In the USA we own and operate the Road Bear RV Rentals and
    Sales and Britz USA brands.  Within New Zealand we operate Kiwi Experience
    and the Discover Waitomo group which includes Waitomo Glowworm Caves, Ruakuri
    Cave, Aranui Cave and The Legendary Black Water Rafting Co. In 2012 thl
    entered in a joint venture to form RV Manufacturing Group LP, New Zealand's
    largest motorhome and specialist vehicle manufacturer. RVMG LP has
    operations both in Auckland and Hamilton. Our purpose is to create
    unforgettable holidays by providing unique, wonderful experiences that make
    vacations truly memorable.
    End CA:00247500 For:THL    Type:HALFYR     Time:2014-02-26 09:38:45
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