MTC 3.57% 13.5¢ metalstech limited

Ann: High Grade Lithium Mineralisation at Adina Project, page-60

  1. 5,440 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 294
    You have picked a good time to sell at least twice now Patience, but if I followed your lead I'd never qualify for the CGT discount.

    Is there anything stopping someone from selling some shares one day for a loss if they need it for tax purposes, and then buying shares in the same company back again almost immediately? That you know of?
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Mkt cap ! $26.66M
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14.0¢ 14.5¢ 13.5¢ $3.714K 26.55K

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3 155999 13.5¢

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14.0¢ 37906 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 15/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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