DEG 1.52% $1.95 de grey mining limited

Ann: High Grade Lithium on new King Col Pegmatite Trend-DEG.AX, page-43

  1. 3,100 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 533
    Alright for some - but I'm having withdrawal symptoms at the present time. DEG Management are playing with my emotions by having this meaningless trading halt.

    There I was thinking that this would be the trading halt of all trading halts and going weak at the knees thinking about what was to come - oh well, back to the drawing board with my retirement plans..LOL

    Looks like 8 years might become ten years for me to realize my dreams for my investment in DEG - 'such is life', as Ned Kelly once said.

    WE WAIT!
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Mkt cap ! $4.663B
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$1.98 $1.99 $1.95 $13.40M 6.819M

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7 118033 $1.95

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$1.95 869000 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 30/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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