IAG insurance australia group limited

Falling knives in an industry of falling knives don’t care who...

  1. 5,380 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 411
    Falling knives in an industry of falling knives don’t care who they cut.
    I don’t hold, but my wife does and I cautioned her not to participate in the SPP.
    I can’t give advice, but I would exercise caution while the SP is bumping along the bottom. Buy on the upswing, but IMHO, lots of other better opportunities out there. The Insce companies are being stung for a variety of reasons in a still uncertain COVID infected world.
    Good luck to all holders that all the bad news will come out of the cupboard and the SP will increase.
    We have about 16 policies with NRMA, so we are doing our bit !!
    Last edited by peejay2: 18/12/20
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Mkt cap ! $18.68B
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$7.82 $7.95 $7.80 $93.22M 11.80M

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5 371775 $7.90

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$7.92 356 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 28/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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