IMU 2.70% 3.6¢ imugene limited

I meant to include some of my own comments on why I think Saul's...

  1. 2,763 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1074
    I meant to include some of my own comments on why I think Saul's comments in my previous post are important:

    • If you talk to people that have had cancer and have been luckily enough to survive, they often express their concerns about their cancer coming back in the future and this fear lives in their minds. The "memory immunity response" / "protective immunity" may provide patients with more comfort and hope about their future following caner treatment using the proposed combination.

    • Saul's comment "... which is profound by CF33 alone" as a tumour cell finder, infector, killer and spreader. It is not hard to see that LC, Yuman and Saul are very excited about the potential of CF33 and its flow-on therapeutic applications. IMU is going to progress CF33 with priority and haste.

    • If the effectiveness of this combination eventuates, there are likely to be a significant number of lives saved, live prolonged. Plus significant savings for the Health Systems around the world should cancer re-occurrences be greatly reduced.

    Exciting times ahead.
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