From the Ann...
"TV2U International Limited (ASX:TV2) announces that it has successfully completed a ground-breaking proof of concept of its IVAN-X platform deployed at Indosat Ooredoo...."
“We were amazed by the service provided by TV2U, and by IVAN-X’s ability to quickly and efficiently serve engaging content to our viewers,” said Putera Ajie, Indosat Ooredoo.
Indosat Ooredoo revenues rise 9% in H1, customers up 20%
Thursday 27 July 2017 | 09:29 CET | News
Ooredoo said that Indosat's revenues increased by 9 percent to more than QAR 4.1 billion in the first six months to 30 June, while EBITDA increased by 11 percent to over QAR 1.9 billion, driving increased profitability across the business. The EBITDA margin improved by 1 percentage point to 47 percent. Customer numbers increased by 20 percent year on year to more than 96 million customers.
I'd be happy if Indosat Ooredoo are mentioned again, seems possible - just my opinion.