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Ann: Indosat Streaming Platform to Kick-off with World Cup, page-154

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    Optus streaming woes continue ...

    2018 World Cup in Russia: Optus denies streaming issues as fan fury continues
    MICHAEL McGUIRE, adelaidenow
    June 17, 2018

    UPDATE: FOR the second consecutive day Optus Sport customers have vented their fury at being unable to watch games at The World Cup due to the live streaming regularly freezing and dropping out entirely

    Football fans and Optus customers bombarded the company on social media during the Iceland-Argentina game. Optus issued a statement on Twitter saying sorry but that didn’t placate its customers.

    Full story  ...

    As the article says, Optus have exclusive rights to 39 matches - so only 37 to go.   The ASX  announcement below states that Tv2u’s high quality service was able to be launched in under 24 hours for a concert in Indonesia and streamed nationally/ internationally without fault.  Optus seriously need to consider using our platform - not sure if we’d have the resources atm though.
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