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Yes politically true Timnea... there were and still are quite a...

  1. 1,522 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 845
    Yes politically true Timnea... there were and still are quite a few war criminals and dictators around the world but...
    I was referring to his relative cleverness? of buying gold @US 1300 oz now while some countries and financial wizards/leaders in eg 2002... were selling half of their countries gold reserves in the range of US $250 - $280 oz...
    (and I would like to know the smart buyers, who have already quadruple their profits)... eg
    How much did Gordon Brown lose selling gold?
    With many gold traders shorting, gold reached a low point of US$252.80 on 20 July. The UK eventually sold about 395 tons of gold over 17 auctions from July 1999 to March 2002, at an average price of about US$275 per ounce, raising approximately US$3.5 billion.

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