LTR 1.52% 67.0¢ liontown resources limited

Dazaliam's statement: "WA is one of the most expensive...

  1. 649 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    Dazaliam's statement: "WA is one of the most expensive jurisdictions on earth to build/operate a mine."

    Now move on and tell Australians that they are doing the wrong business:

    Some details from the official data:

    Mining has long been a cornerstone of the Australian economy... It is a major contributor to Australia’s economy, accounting for around 13.6% of total GDP in 2023. The industry is strongly export-oriented, with minimal processing onshore.
    Australia is the world’s largest producer of lithium and a global top five producer of gold, iron ore, lead, zinc, and nickel. It also has the world’s largest uranium and fourth largest black coal resources, respectively. As the fourth largest mining country in the world (after China, the United States, and Russia), Australia will have ongoing demand for high-tech mining equipment, representing potential opportunities for U.S. suppliers.

    Apparently they are not worried about being one of the most expensive jurisdictions on earth...
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