NVA nova minerals limited

Great article. Really summarised things nicely and gave some...

  1. 1,070 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1775
    Great article. Really summarised things nicely and gave some more detail as to how they are progressing these projects. I am still hoping we get an announcement in the next week or so about the planning they did in Vancouver last week with some sort of timelines (time guides) too.

    Yeh I read that too. Louie is ringing me tomorrow so I will ask him for clarification. Last time I spoke to him there had not been any more drilling and it was the internal scoping study that would be completed in 6-8 weeks, but I dont think this will be released to market (???could be wrong) as its internal for the start of the PEA as I understand it, so I wonder if this expanded JORC comment has been mis-reported? If not though I look forward to that!

    Great to see the directors buying on market yesterday. That's better than a buy back IMO.
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