SYA 5.88% 3.2¢ sayona mining limited

Ann: Investor Webinar Presentation, page-88

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CFD TRADING PLATFORM CFD Service. Your Capital is at risk
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    Not sure about where the 33,000 meters of drilling reference came from , because this figure has to my knowledge NEVER been stated in any Quarterly or any other specific announcement about Moblan by the Company.

    What I suspect they are saying is that through a combination of the approximate historical 17,000 metres of accumulative drilling meters at Moblan together with the 4,683 metres drilled in the FIRST proposed 9,000 metre program announced in December 2021 LESS the current planned program of 20,000 announced in June 2022 less the metres which were ' un-drilled ' from the first program ( see below explanations ) equals the relative metres drilled on the project as at October 2022. That would have left approximately just over 11,000 meters remaining in the current program which would then also make sense as to why it took longer to announce anything at the end of year given they were still drilling and decided NOT to report as perhaps progressive cores had NOT been shipped to Val d'Or.

    So on that note , I would strongly suggest that the 60 MT resources is an upper limit ' Target ' , else they might have to retract or qualify this statement before they potentially come unstuck by it when or if it doesn't reach this amount. And i am confident that it will , but at the same time , that is a LOT of resource from what amounts to approximately ONLY around 25,000 metres of additional drilling for around 125 new holes since Guo Ao days and before that Perilya.

    So YES , it is good to now have at least a bit more clarity or ' Guidance ' on what the expectations ( Only ) are on the Moblan pending results and assays.

    And you wouldn't really expect anything else really given a.) the amount of money we have spent on exploration at Moblan since only July this year and b.) as I've said before given what we have actually paid for these vast areas of claims compared to our peers.

    Additionally , I have spoken many times about the potential of the ' OTHER ' rare earth minerals being at least ONE contributing factor to the delays. So that has obviously now been reaffirmed as a valid reason to which many historical results have potentially been ' re-assayed ' for this further potential.

    I had also been a very VERY strong proponent of the 50 / 50 % being the Driving factor behind the Off-take terms because simply put 50% was always going to be the ' GREATER ' of and the ; Whichever is the GREATER ' thesis.

    I was also a strong and constant proponent of the FIRST production being distributed on the 50 / 50% LESSOR amount with FIRST amounts going to Sayona and not just this FIRST 113,000 tpa being Piedmont's GOD given right under the off-take like what others from the Piedmont forum had been trying to pedal to Sayona Investors.

    I also stated many times of the importance of Financial ' equity ' and the deal being in the strong financial interests and ' essence ' or spirit of the Joint Venture and NOT just the prima facie terms of the so called ' Binding ' deal. And we have and had plenty of precedence of off-take arrangements NOT being honored with NO legal repercussions whatsoever from the previous Lithium Boom / Bust mach 2.

    I also stated that Sayona would have a greater Market Cap than its Partner at many different intervals and have yet to be proven wrong on ALL counts and measures.

    So it would seem then that overall , I am scoring virtually 4 to NIL against all the crap which had been pedaled on this forum constantly by around 3 or 4 posters.

    So game set and match really when you consider I called the acquisition of Troilus some 12 months earlier than it becoming a reality as well. I've also called the significance of ' Byproducts ' right from the outset , and more recently with the acquisition of the Troilus package.

    But coming back to the Moblan drill results , lets not get to far ahead of ourselves in regards what you've stated here , because so far it is NOT exactly correct , and Dougal is a Finance guy like myself and NOT a geologist .

    However that aside and to just stand back and BOTH review and ADD a few things ( below ) as an adjunct to this pod cast, lets just review first what has been stated over the course of the last 13 - 14 months of Moblan ownership.

    So YES they have over 200 plus historical ' Targets ' which had been compiled by SOQUEM. However , the 20,000 metre DD program which we are currently talking about and waiting on - This program had actually commenced more than 6 months ago now. So the drill programs I spoke about in my proposed ' Question ' is valid and in the same vein and comparable to our Peers who are progressively bringing their results to the Market , and have stacked on literally hundreds of $Millions of dollars worth of market values in the process. And the Hundreds of Millions of Dollars is the key take away here from what they have done and the clear results you get by doing it in this way.

    And , so far we have NOT approached our work programs in the same manner as our peers. Nor do we have the ' proof ' of drill cores and concept to rightfully compare yet.

    .....If you compare this to us , it becomes glaringly obvious that we have NOT been recognized for our similar efforts so far , nor have we been recognized by the sheer amount of $Dollars we have outlaid for both the claims tenements in this the Frotet -Evans Greenstone region as well as the obvious ' Exploration ' dollars spent and as highlighted in the last quarterly cashflow statement..

    So from the announcement on June 27th , 2022 :-

    " Drilling continuing, with 20,000m drilling campaign underway as Sayona continues to build on potential of the new Northern Lithium Hub "

    And ,

    " Drilling is continuing, with three diamond rigs currently on site and a new 20,000m drill program underway. "

    Keep in mind that these above statements were AFTER we were supposed to have completed the 9,000 meter program where to this day it only looks as though we completed 4,683 meters. So what did the drill bits get stuck , or the ground was just to difficult. Never heard right. Or did we just NOT have are target areas correct. So we're really only at a 15,683 meter current drill program when you consider we left the 4,317 meters on the table from the previous announced program.

    So yeah we are roughly the SAME as our peers in terms of our POW on drilling and probably way way above on costs when you include the cost of acquiring these tenements compared to them.

    So to confirm this and as announced on the 26th April 2022 , you have the statements on the work program and from when it was originally put to shareholders 5 months earlier as follows :-
    " A 35 hole, 4,683m winter diamond drill program obtained grades of up to 2% lithium oxide (Li2O) "

    And this was against the Announcement of 22nd January 2022 where they stated this :-

    " The planned 55 diamond drill hole program for nearly 9,000m aims to identify extensions to the Moblan deposit and define mineralisation in nearby spodumene pegmatites, such as the Moléon prospect. "

    And from the December 2021 Quarterly put out on 31st January 2022 :-

    " The drilling program is due for completion in March 2022. "

    A month earlier on 21st December 2021 ( and now over 12 months ago ) , they ( Sayona Magement ) stated this :-

    " The drilling program will commence in February 2022 and will consist of 55 drill holes totalling nearly 9,000 metres. The program is being conducted in partnership with SOQUEM Inc, which holds a 40% stake in the Moblan project, with Sayona holding the remaining 60% interest. SOQUEM will use its in‐ depth knowledge of the project and the region to act as operator. "

    So you can also compare the FIRST 9,000 meter 55 hole program to what was then reported in the June 2022 Activities statement at the end of July 2022 where they reaffirmed what they had ACTUALLY achieved...., and effectively before they declared the 20,000 drill program at 27th June 2022 as follows :-

    " In April 2022, Sayona announced the discovery of a significant new southern lithium pegmatite zone, the Moblan South Discovery, following a 35 hole, 4,683m diamond drilling program. The lithium mineralisation was at a shallow, 60m vertical depth, open in all directions and just 200m south of the main Moblan deposit. "

    But then when it comes to the Frotet-Evans Greenstone Belt , Moblan , Lac Albert , and recent Troilus land area aquisitions. When it comes to these RARE EARTH components that even Canaccord Genuity spoke of in its December 28th announcement , NOBODY around would seem to PLAY the ' jezzball ' game spoken about better than Sayona when it comes to getting its potential PROJECTS lined up along geological trend on its vast defining BLOCKs of claims acreage.

    And I find it particularly interesting when we are talking about potential rare earths like the Cesium mentioned by Durango Resources and others in the area , or the Tantalum which we also know is there.

    Or maybe its the Vanadium mentioned by SOQUEM ( see my previous post highlighting EIS questions to Hatch ) , or how about the vast amounts of economic Copper , Zinc, Gold and Silver potential and where SOQUEM also spoke about the economic opportunities from a ' Leaching ' of Copper perspective. And Copper is going to be SUPER HOT by 2030 as well......wink.png

    But I find it even more interesting when one of the HOTTEST rare minerals in Molybdenum is highlighted , and that at LEAST 2 of the FIRST 3 which trend North -East shown in the below Maps have been identified and are sitting in what is now Sayona's minerals claims. The THIRD Molydendum showing is borderline and most likely NOT part of the Sayona recently acquired claims and is more towards the separately held Cressida block which this section is Still held by SOQUEM , Troilus , and lower down below with Kenorland through the Bulls Eye JV.

    So we have the other Cu -Zn - Ag & Au projects which I have previously mentioned we now SURROUND and or are right in our claims area , but it that much more interesting when we find ourselves exactly along Geological trends of a minerals which is at 17 or 18 year highs and is also dominated by China's 38% production control of this in demand rare mineral.

    So its worth looking at this Maps again in a side by side manner as well as some of the other Maps which I have posted which relate to the now held Sayona claims which surround virtually every single Mineral opportunity in this region as well as placing us in the box seat for any others which SOQUEM still has effective ownership of.

    So the FIRST map below is from back in the Day when Moblan was just the BLUE bits with the area in RED belonging to Beaufield , then Osisko , Urbangold , then Troilus.

    The Next few maps show again the significance of the Tortigny deposit in relation to the distributed claims with the second Map showing the Geological volcanic and sedimentary contours of the rock zones which reflects the major proximity of a handful of deposits together with the type of rocks and along the relevant geological trend.

    The next Maps are obviously representing the current claims landscape after Sayona acquired the Troilus claims package as compared to many of the other maps showing various pre-dated changes and other points of interest with respects to current and historical peer holding compaines in the region.

    In all of this though , my most favorite Maps are the one shown below in a split screen format which has obviously come from some significant collation of data that InnovExplo has presented in its many NI 43-101 reports it has completed for numerous other mining clients in this area over the years......and are the Maps which specifically show the obvious geological trend of the highly popular in vogue critical mineral of Molybdenum well as the much sought after tandem of Cesium and Tantalum.

    So for me , it is definitely these THREE additional maps and some others which highlight the significance of these ' OTHER ' potential minerals and which are most likley obtainable in ' ECONOMIC ' and quantifiable measurability.

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