HAV 2.33% 21.0¢ havilah resources limited

Ann: Iron Ore Scoping Study Update, page-26

  1. 3,640 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1135
    "From my understanding Hawsons ore is of a single type which is a big advantage. I'm not sure if HAV are in the same position as they've never stated this, which would be an advantage" @santos8

    At Post #: 38041546 Dr Giles is quoted as saying "Hawson's has higher magnetite content, which means they can beneficiate to a slightly higher grade (67% Fe) than our more hematite rich ore (magnetite is Fe3O4 and hematite is Fe2O3 - so magnetite has a slightly higher Fe:O ratio)".

    It is actually an advantage to have both magnetite and hematite in the Braemar Ironstone.

    On 24 April 2019, HAV stated it can recover both the magnetite and hematite from the Maldorky JORC resource project, along with providing results of Maldorky metallurgical test results (that included individually the hematite mass recovery or yield % for the very first time).

    A lot of shareholders may have missed that it, because the key detail was buried away on page 5 of the 24 April 2019 ASX media release: "The hematite LIMS tail was treated by wet high intensity magnetic separators (WHIMS) at UniSA."

    If you search on the word 'hematite' in the link below, it only appears one time.


    Also refer Table 1 on page 2 from the 24 April 2019 ASX media release for all the other key metrics specifically for the hematite results (Ereiz WHIMS line) from testing on Maldorky by SIMEC Mining.

    As I said back in Post #: 38006662 "As a proportion of these hematite grains are actually martite, there is potential for a second lower grade concentrate to be generated increasing the metal recovered from the deposit. The degree of recovery of iron depends considerably on the conditions of the operation, including the type of separation, the feed density, and so on. On dilute artificial pulps, the values for conventional and MGS separation are comparable, in each case above 50%. Iron is recovered most completely through the use of combined two-stage schemes, with which for Fe reaches a level of 85-90% (Yakubailik et al., 1996)."

    From Table 1 of the 24 April 2019 ASX media release, for the results of Maldorky iron ore metallurgical testing, the Fe final concentrate recovery was 87.9% (which included magnetite and hematite).

    For this Maldorky metallurgical testing, a bulk sample of 1,772 kg was used.

    The next logical step would be to scale up the testing on a bulk sample exceeding 10 tonnes to validate yield, recovery and production rates. Particularly for the GIB.


    These are only my random thoughts and it does not constitute investment advice. Before acting on any information you read and before making any financial or investment decisions, you should always consult your advisor(s) or other relevant professional experts.
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