HHI health house international limited

Ann: June Quarterly Report and App 4C, page-93

  1. 4,006 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 827
    Turvey, good to hear from you.

    For full disclosure purposes if you are referring to me I have a long term parcel and a trading parcel which I tend to for most stocks I own (I believe many on here would be the same) My trading parcel for VPC represents only about 10% of my overall position in the Company. I made plenty of noise on here about VPC potentially running too far to quickly on the recent move and like many I'm sure (who have witnessed the sell on quarterly disappointment) sold a trading parcel when it was over 2c. Have I bought my trading parcel back? Not yet. I'm split on which way the market might go with the next quarterly some time away. Do I see 1.7c as a good entry point with limited downside for a new long-term holder? Yes, based on the valuation insight above. Am I buying at 1.7c? No because my long-term parcel is already sizeable.

    I came across the above article while researching another SaaS business this morning l so thought it would be useful to share with others on the forum. I personally found it very interesting.

    Last edited by TripleTop: 01/08/17
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