GBG 0.00% 2.9¢ gindalbie metals ltd

Hi Gindaldan,It's worth noting that the FIRB rules only apply to...

  1. 63 Posts.
    Hi Gindaldan,

    It's worth noting that the FIRB rules only apply to companies worth over $248m

    While the current market cap is around $190m, any Ansteel offer based on the current MC would need to be more than $248m. However, it doesn't stop GBG raising capital from Ansteel (either via convertible loans or share issues). I cant see any need for them to issue a heavily discounted offer price when they have a willing buyer available. Given the current share price, Im not sure if the market is missing that - or whether there is a simple lack of shareholder confidence in KML management.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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