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Lets Review,-Mgr recent comments, "I’ve seen this time and time...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 201
    Lets Review,-Mgr recent comments,

    "I’ve seen this time and time again in the Goldfields. Only a handful of deep holes have been drilled at Kat Gap to date. We clearly need to drill more deeper holes to follow the system down. We also ventured out into the granite to drill for the first time 400m west of the main granite-greenstone contact. Here we tested a very small section of the 4.4km long auger soil anomaly looking for primary gold within the granite. Results were very encouraging with plenty of anomalous gold below the oxide profile. I like to call this smoke and there’s plenty of smoke out in the granite."

    "Where there’s smoke there’s generally a decent fire nearby. "


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