CRR 10.0% 0.6¢ critical resources limited

Ann: Kitotolo Lithium Project JV Agreement Executed, page-56

  1. 2,007 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 968
    Looks like TAR and 4CE is gaining far more traction from that announcement than AVZ itself. I think given these two are so cheap, even if the new infrastructure adds $5M project value is much more significant price move here and its not even half a pip on AVZ. We've closed the project value gap were at 2.5% couple days vs AVZ ago which was too low imo.
    Still a $400MAUD invesment into infrastructure around Manono isn't for giggles. Bodes well for the entire region.

    Anyways, I think the AVZ pullback is done, lets see them turn around and help accelerate us towards 7's (and higher).
    We had our third highest close today, TAR has moved into newest highs today. Looks good for the smaller lithium players in DRC.
    Tesla roadster and truck disruption should cause some new hype into the sector too.

    TAR breakout:

    4CE: no supply followed by two days of sparks of buying

    AVZ: Pullback over? Drilling commences in one week
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0.5¢ 0.6¢ 0.5¢ $2.048K 389.6K

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41 16536027 0.5¢

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0.6¢ 10890157 12
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Last trade - 10.52am 29/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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