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Ann: Kleos Investor Update, page-14

  1. 1,191 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 168
    From what I can "glean", not as glossy as it would think. Illusions of grandeur. Conflicting discussions have I had.
    The CR preparation, if that is what it is, may be in anticipation to allowing "partners" to buy into the company. I do not know this. I am merely speculating. But one of the most interesting things I noticed in the annual report was that ISISpace now holds 1,276,711 shares or 0.72%.
    Perhaps they are looking at inviting Satellogic on board, or Carahsoft, or Japan Space Imaging Corp. If that were the case I would be happy with that outcome myself, as I would interpret that as securing the "supply chain".
    Just a thought.
    Btw Hi BW.
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