BCN 4.00% 2.6¢ beacon minerals limited

theres a few things starting to crack, SILJ/GDX has broken out...

  1. 6,221 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 685
    theres a few things starting to crack, SILJ/GDX has broken out as a well
    there are still a few more things that need to break out too... AUD/USD is the main one needs to break its downtrend since the GFC.. and the way the USD is going.. it could come pretty soon
    AUD/USD monthly

    @LongtimneW .. i think youre being overly optiminstic on the $50kpa profit, at least in the near term, in that we will have reduced prodcution of our own ounces due to GeoLam ounces.. $30kpa while thats going on might be closer to the pin.. so long as oil behaves.. i think it will, i think there will be a slow down / recession acknowledged in the next 6 months.. or at least acknowledge an economy that has sectors in that state.. clearly the military industrial complex will never be in recession.

    I think the US is going to be hurt the most by the next wave of inflation.. USD down, commodities up (even if there might be a short term dip during the next year
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