Hi RnL "If the psyc-clinics are able to generate revenue and even to turn a profit for the company whilst the other projects are developed, that is awesome"
The BOD would need the first clinic to be viable as this would be paramount to their next move. Reading Peter's comments one gets the impression he has the goods to administer good business ethics. Rule no1 in any commercial venture is make a profit. Why do it ! As TV has pointed out the average rate of therapeutic services will be around $10k. Using basic calcs 60/40 cost/margin will return $2.4ml margin per clinic pa
Up front costs. *Fitout=these are clinics not a medical surgery. *Training *Medical Stock on hand.
Peter has also hinted at substantial patient number increases with extended hours of operations. So it would be great to see success of this model prototype roll out swiftly another clinic in Melbourne and one in Sydney/Brisbane by Xmas 2024.