BUD 0.00% 0.6¢ buddy technologies ltd

Ann: Letter to Shareholders, page-90

  1. 7,288 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 625
    Cmon Holdtight.

    We have already discussed this to death.

    The big issues still haven't been fixed.

    yeah you get 3.8mill after waiting for 6 months Lol great.

    The Christmas qtr is part of the problem and still a massive issue, surviving until Christmas then if a bad qtr comes boom you get smacked.

    The lower cost of production fixes nothing. The issue all along has been manufacturing the products. So yes a positive but the problem once again is actually making the product.

    With all these positive Ann's we still burn cash like no tomorrow, still can't manufacture the product, still a very seasonal business, still getting poor 4c reports and that's just with LIFX.

    I expect more of the same Holdtight this 4c. Poor results, cash burn, a few fluffy commentary parts done by DM to keep everyone positive, manufacturing issues getting sorted but not yet lol etc. Same same no different is what i expect.

    I honestly think the manufacturing company wants nothing to do with Buddy but want the money. So the company is forced to keep Buddy involved to get money off them. As soon as the 18m is received it will be interesting to see what happens.

    Buddy and the manufacturing company might part ways IMO.
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