"china, israel discuss expanding defense ties"

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    Jun. 22, 2005 0:50 | Updated Jun. 22, 2005 3:01
    China, Israel discuss expanding defense ties

    Expansion of defense ties with Israel was on the agenda during talks with his Israeli counterparts this week, Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing said Tuesday.

    Li, who spoke at the start of a meeting with the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, did not go into detail about the current dispute between Israel and the US over the Israel upgrade of Chinese Harpy drones.

    He said that during his visit he had held talks on expanding ties in the fields of "trade, army, culture, education and tourism."

    Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom apologized to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice earlier this week over the deal, and expressed hope that the crisis would be quickly resolved.

    Defense Minister Director-General Amos Yaron is expected to be sacked as part of the deal to resolve the crisis with the US.

    Li was asked by Labor MK Danny Yatom about US-Chinese relations and how the ties were affecting Israel's ability to sell arms to China. Li responded that ties between the US and China were improving, and that the main problem in the ties was Taiwan. He said China also opposed the sale of US arms to Taiwan that could pose a threat to it, according to Yatom, who heads the Israel-China parliamentary friendship association.

    Li also told Israel to prepare for an imminent influx of Chinese tourists as an outgrowth of deepening ties.

    "I can let you know with some certainty that thousands of Chinese tourists will visit Jerusalem and other parts of the country. You are such an attraction. I have already advised enterprises of this country to prepare more hotel rooms for the upcoming Chinese tourism," he said.

    Li also told the MKs that he was moved by his visit to Yad Vashem, saying it made him feel a bond between the Jewish people and the Chinese. He said 20 million Chinese were "slaughtered by the Japanese aggressors" during the same period of World War II.

    "We should never forget history, instead we should turn it into united efforts to maintain world peace," he said.

    Committee chairman Yuval Steinitz said the relations with China were "extremely" important for Israel, referring to China as the "giant" and Israel as the "dwarf."


    Source is The Jerusalem Post - http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1119320282122

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