TBA 0.00% 2.6¢ tombola gold ltd

Ann: Lorena Transaction Update, page-10

  1. 13,175 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2811
    How’s the binding term sheet going you think?
    Moved from bondi g term sheet to formal agreement - you know the ones you can sue over??? Or will it remain a binding term sheet of nothing, conditional on due Dillingence—- mmmm

    Vendor agreed receive 50,000,000 shares at six cents for part oayment when market price isn’t soaring throigh nine but - let me check- 3.5

    wow those 6 cent privileged placement ppl must be happy

    probably time for another hush hush “ brokers” report?

    Or special graphs from experts who previously delivered similar to Amg?

    if the vat plant is to continue but then be apparently stated to be in ice till next year - and this master non binding conditional term sheeeeet falls over—- when is the revenue going to drop

    wheeler dealers- probably deserve another 10 m each in performance shares

    lucky the new guy gets paid “ “ in cash”- spectacular performance since his arrival imo—

    any more massive drill rig photos floating around - they were great for a Monday surge

    can’t wait to see the cash position in the upcoming report and no doubt a long list of achievements
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