FFX 0.00% 20.0¢ firefinch limited

0,0% cut off grade... So they counted all the 1c coins, 5c coins...

  1. 621 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 168
    0,0% cut off grade... So they counted all the 1c coins, 5c coins etc (using Barney's explanation terminology)... and still got 1,48% grade...

    Do people understand how high grade this deposit actually is? Tonnage will come in time, they've only been drilling since May.

    I don't care what Hotcopper sentiment is. All I know that end-users will love this resource because you can now already easily compete from 2018-2030 in price with anything that has been found on Australian soil in last 3 years (except Greenbushes which is a freak-of-nature and I haven't seen any drill results in Oz that come close to that one).

    When scoping study is there, I expect take-over bids if it's between 100M-150M market cap in January.

    They will love this in China, and I'm sure the EU (Germany/France) would love this to be developed. Everyone needs economic development in Mali and this is a major chance for all stakeholders.

    P.S. Did I mention gold?
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