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Ann: Maiden Resource at Goulamina Confirms Lithium Deposit-BGS.AX, page-2

  1. 7 Posts.
    Maiden Resource at Goulamina Confirms Large
    Tonnage and High-Grade Lithium Deposit

    Maiden Goulamina Mineral Resource;
    15.5 Mt @ 1.48 % Li
    O (229,000t contained Li

    Substantial high-grade, near
    surface component presents
    opportunity for enhanced early cash flow

    Excellent potential to add signific
    ant tonnages of shallow, high
    grade lithium mineralisati
    on with further drilling

    Project evaluation studies in prog
    ress to define preliminary data
    associated with mining, processing and capital costs

    Drilling to re-commence shortly,
    focusing on resource extensions
    and upgrades to resource categories
    Birimian Limited (ASX:BGS; “Birimian” an
    d “Company”) is pleased to report
    the maiden JORC-compliant Mineral Resource estimate for the Goulamina
    deposit, at its Bougouni
    Lithium Project in Mali.
    The estimated Mineral Resource at Goulamina is
    15.5 Mt @ 1.48 % Li
    O, for
    229,000 tonnes of contained Li
    (Table 1). This positions the deposit as
    among the highest grade, hard rock lithium deposits of significant size
    globally today.
    Commenting on the milestone, Birimian Managing Director Mr Kevin Joyce
    said, "We are very pleased to have 100% ownership of the
    highest grade
    lithium resource held by an
    y ASX-listed company today.
    "This maiden resource estimate is an outstanding result, especially given
    that first drilling occurred less than si
    x months ago. This provides a strong
    platform to rapidly advance a scoping
    study to define the key parameters
    that will underpin the project Feasibility Study and first Ore Reserve
    "Of note, there remains significant pote
    ntial to substantially expand this
    maiden resource and improve the modelled grade with additional drilling,
    particularly at the recently discover
    ed West Zone, where wide and high
    grade mineralisation remains open along strike near surface and at depth.
    The resource grade of 1.67% Li
    O at West Zone is very encouraging
    , and
    we are eager to begin the next phase drilling program, which will
    commence in late November.
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