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Originally posted by markyess:
DR continually alludes to it as a running theme throughout that recent Crux interview. There were essentially two key messages: 1. Imminent restart of Nullagine 2. We want to pay off the debt and clear the hedge as soon as possible Why? Well, the longer (and larger) the loan principle hangs around, the bigger the burden of interest repayments. Hence I believe it would be feasible/possible that the company opted to bounce the agreed loan repayment break, given the strength and size of the equity raises, but kept the hedge break to increase exposure to spot in this quarter. We'll see soon enough.
“Well, the longer (and larger) the loan principle hangs around, the bigger the burden of interest repayments” Thanks for the banking lesson Marky Mark, very technical analysis but I think I get it. So you are saying, if you borrow money, you have to pay interest and the more you borrow, the more interest you pay? And that’s why CAI might only have $12m at the end of the quarter because they realised this and paid down debt? Except they didn’t.