TLG 4.85% 54.0¢ talga group ltd

Ann: Major permitting milestone for the Vittangi Graphite Project, page-17

  1. 1,344 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 221
    Just a little bit more context

    The Environmental Court of Appeal

    A hearing of the Environmental Court of Appeal is more like a
    general meeting than like an appellate court proceeding. Often the
    hearing takes place in a conference room and testimony is taken
    informally at a conference table. The court normally travels to the site
    in dispute. The parties and the people living close to the site are
    allowed to give comments to the court. They are all allowed to
    represent themselves without attorneys. The court can require the
    responsible local, regional and central authorities to give comments
    on the case. The court can also require independent technical
    institutes to comment on the case.

    The hearing is conducted in a relaxed atmosphere not typical of
    a court proceeding. The court normally sends an agenda to everyone
    before the hearing. The chairing judge normally starts by going
    through the agenda. Then it is up to the chairing judge to see that
    everyone sticks to the agenda. Like all of Sweden’s judges, judges of
    the Environmental Court of Appeal do not wear robes or wigs. The
    participants do not have to stand when they address the court.

    People will realize that there will be no rejection until at least September-December period(Autumn in Europe), 5 months for Talga to negotiate something out of this, and it means derisking.
    Last edited by yzwboy: 21/04/22
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