GSW 0.00% 29.0¢ getswift limited

Ann: Market Update, page-71

  1. 2,322 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 131
    'trying to rubbish the company sure know how to try and twist things around'

    Just stating the facts 'as the company looks for a buyer...'
    the only twits i've seen lately are on the snowboard slopestyle at pyeongchang..oops i meant twists

    'it wont be under $4 is the word on the street'

    oh do you have some inside to elaborate?
    or have they been trying to hock this down at the local car boot sale or something...
    $4... a 50% premium...? keep on dreaming buddy....but thanks for the comedy
    oh it's could be a garage sale..sorry
    Last edited by dr.kris: 10/02/18
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Currently unlisted public company.

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