SGQ 4.35% 2.2¢ st george mining limited

Ann: Massive Nickel-Copper Sulphides at Stricklands-SGQ.AX, page-69

  1. 86 Posts.
    Than you, GB.

    I neglected Interested Onlooker's earlier post before I posted. He already got answers to your earlier questions, that makes my task easy. Thank you, Interested Onlooker.

    I had a good day in the Conference, and I've found Tim is GENUINELY confident with what we have.

    I am a general surgeon as well as a plastic and aesthetic surgeon, I do do lobectomies on liver, but not on brain. I appreciate that we are all going through a period of uncertainty and suspense, but I don't believe any medium to long-term holder would need a lobectomy.

    Here I'd like to share my personal journey I went through with Sirius. I sold all my losers (mainly blue chips, mind you that was 2012, markets were still recovering from GFC, very slowly) a few months before that company-making discovery, only to see its SP plummeted to around 5c. I still remember vividly what my sister said to me when I told her Sirius requested a temporary suspension after the TH, "now, you are going to do all your dough, the company is probably to be de-listed". This is what I said in reply, "big Sis, did you know what I overheard mum said to untie? 'Victor is not the most talented in the family, but certainly the luckiest, whatever he touches turns to gold, eventually', and I can tell you, big Sis, those gold-turning calls, as mum put it, were made on gut feelings, far more than anything else. And I were following my inner calls this time, again; and chances are I am probably gonna be right, again." The rest on Sirius is history.

    Right now, my gut feelings on St. George is exactly the same as those I had with Sirius during those uncertain times.

    All the best to all holders.
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