IGR 0.00% 50.0¢ integra mining limited

re: Ann: Media Release - High Grade Gold Cock... The BOT is no...

  1. 1,268 Posts.
    re: Ann: Media Release - High Grade Gold Cock... The BOT is no worry at all. Most likely somebody who went short, which was looking as a not too bad play, and then got stuffed by CC releasing ANN after the market closed. Maybe CC looked up the number of shorts and sent his lightning bolt.

    Or could be some silly chartist who thinks people are paying attention to IGR charts, when in fact the fundamentals are the driving force right now. At present, charts have little relevance to IGR. Some chartist place godlike absolute faith in their pretty little triangles and squares without considering fundamentals. I have successfully traded IPL, Incitec Pivot, for two years now. Six weeks ago the chartists were saying it could NOT go ahead until it filled some supposed gap. Well, IPL has powered far, far beyond that gap with no major news. Not that I don't use charts. They can be helpful, but not to make most of my decisions. mostly to bolster them.

    And back to .35 or .36? Some people who believe that also wanted CC's head on a platter a while back.
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