88E 0.00% 0.2¢ 88 energy limited

And what an awesomely serene and pretty picture it portrays. :D...

  1. 11,127 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1021
    And what an awesomely serene and pretty picture it portrays.

    What concerns me very deeply though is how did they manage to miss all of those polar bears out there as they landed. Why there must have been thousands of the critters all over the place and blending in so well with the snow too. Hang on, wait a minute, it actually was all snow. I'm beginning to suspect that those lying scoundrels just wanted to sabotage our company and made the whole thing up about our furry friends, those rotten sods.

    Onwards and upwards lads, onwards and upwaaaaaaards.

    Gee, how much can a polar bear.
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