IMS 0.00% 69.0¢ impelus limited

Ann: Mobile Embrace Acquires Eggmobi, page-19

  1. 1,259 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 399
    Thanks Imran for the Lincoln report, and thanks to all for the often very informative comments that are posted, all grist to the mill!

    I am very positive on this company, and have topped up at recent lower prices. Re Veecat's comment "Why acquire a company seemingly the same as your marketing area when you already claim to be a market leader in an area with minimal barriers to entry anyway" - my thoughts (I have no expertise in this area) are that scale is an important factor in dealing with customers who are majors and that sufficient scale can give competitive advantage for future advertising/marketing deals, in addition to the increased scale resulting from the Eggmobi acquisition itself. So I was pleased to see that the Lincoln report also mentions scale.
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