ELK 0.00% 1.4¢ elk petroleum limited

ann monday, page-23

  1. 498 Posts.
    Punters always expect more, so when the announcement is released, there is always dissapointment.

    That is when the SP comes off, panic sets in and there you have it, down 20% on a good announcement. It happens every day, just take BLR for example. Has gone down on the last 3 announcements and everyone says great report, but why is it going down.

    Punters expect too much that is why. Expectations are always too high because you fall in love with the stock and have already planned what you are going to spend the profits on. The money is gone before you have even has a chance to digest the announcemenet.

    Lets hope ELK is the exception....................
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Currently unlisted public company.

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