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Ann: MOU with Total Eren to Develop Green Hydrogen Project, page-335

  1. 3,040 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 403
    again u fail to see any potential or acknowledge the successful feasibility report of VUL which quite frankly were in the same boat as PRL. If u do a little bit of research you may have known that PRL has backing from VUL big guns-the likes of the Reinhart’s etc. Who have in fact splashed out a few million buckeroos. You may have also known that VUL will be the first zero carbon lithium company in Europe. As Europe are wanting to cut off it’s dependency on China’s major lithium supply. Why is VUL so important to mention? Well no brainer. I have spelt it out for you.

    and drumroll.... you still haven’t explained why the hell Scott Morrison splashed out over $250 odd million dollars to invest in the green hydrogen space? Nah... he does it for fun... coz $250+ odd million is nothing really.

    Also a BIG no no is to look at the present revenue unless you’re a day to do day trader(clearly not an investor). If you’re going to value a business at it’s infancy for how much they are making at present and forego the potential then i’m sorry, you’re just going to be moving from one stock to another not realising any potential. Just like u did with VUL lol.... Can lead a horse but can’t make it drink.
    Also for someone who complains about how bad a stock is to be on the same forum rebutting all views bc they think they know alot about hydrogen is laughable. I almost took you seriously as I thought u work in the profession. Alas wasn’t the case. I could easily google cut and paste. Cycle and repeat each investors posts. Much of what you have been doing. You are clearly interested so you keep tabs on the stock. Downramp and get in cheap. If I wasn’t interested why would i stay in a stock and make no money? Yeah.....

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