TVN 4.55% 11.5¢ tivan limited

Any new announcement with PB at the helm is meaningless unless...

  1. 3,276 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 527
    Any new announcement with PB at the helm is meaningless unless he seriously puts his own money where his mouth is.
    Buy up PB the shares are cheap...don't expect others to put their money where you won't.
    It's as simple as that ...until then no announcement will change sp sentiment.
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Mkt cap ! $216.2M
Open High Low Value Volume
11.0¢ 11.5¢ 11.0¢ $60.43K 535.3K

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No. Vol. Price($)
25 1717707 11.0¢

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
11.5¢ 584751 9
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Last trade - 14.38pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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