TBA 0.00% 2.6¢ tombola gold ltd

Ann: Mt Freda Upgraded Mineral Resource Estimate 2021, page-3

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    March 4th 2021 Market ReleaseJORC RESOURCE UPGRADE FROM INFILL DRILLING MT FREDA GOLD MINEGOLD GRADE INCREASE OF +18% CONTAINED GOLD INCREASE +14%HighlightsUpdated Mt Freda Mineral Resource Estimate for a total of 1.01 Mt @ 2.66 g/t Au containing 86,000 Ounces of Gold.Indicated 613,000 tonnes @ 2.91 g/t Au and inferred 393,000 tonnes @ 2.27g/t Au.524,000 tonnes @ 2.57 g/t Au at a 0.5 g/t Au cut-off plus a deeper 482,000 tonnes @2.76 g/t Au at a 1.0 g/t AuMt Freda Complex Global Resource (Golden Mile and Mt Freda), previously 1.7mt @2.06g/t Au for 113,400 ounces (ASX: AMG 3RD June 2020)New Mt Freda Complex Global Resource: 124,300 ounces Gold
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