MLS metals australia ltd

Ann: Multiple High-Grade Lithium Intersections from Manindi, page-284

  1. 2,318 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 269

    Just wait , and we will see who is wearing Jocks sneaky.png

    Simon Moores


    We’ve seen this before, we will see it again. Goldman Sachs: you can’tjust add up all the #lithium mine level potential & make an oversupply call The speciality chemicals world is more nuanced than iron ore It’s why the world doesn’t rely investment banks for research any more

    4:54 PM · Jun 1, 2022

    Joe Lowry


    Interesting times. The demise of high #lithium prices has been greatly exaggerated.


    call for an average price of ~ $16K per MT in 2023 will lookincreasingly foolish as the months pass. The laws of supply & demand willdictate price.

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