Originally posted by orion123
The costs include additions to infrastructure and development. These costs always present a biased outlook on expenses vs income that is present in any growing organisation regardless of what it produces. Anyone wanting a comfortable positive return should wait for a couple of years and then buy in at about $2 or $3.
The expenses do not present so much a biased outlook, as a delayed outlook, and all Organisations are different. This Organisation is yet to show a profit, despite being around for quite a while, and years ago Shareholders would have expected a higher Shareprice than the $0.09 to $0.10c that it is today.
A share price higher than it is today will not happen, IF Armour have to load up with more debt.
The best option they could take from a Shareholders perspective is to focus on Myall Creek for a few years and make it profitable. Become a profitable company... that should be the target....