TRY 0.00% 3.0¢ troy resources limited

Ann: New High Grade Intersections from Ohio Ck, page-59

  1. 62,259 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 731
    Cheers Kojak, don't know why some here go off on wild speculation on the reason some of Jones indirect shares got sold. Simple phone call provides the truth.

    I am under the impression try will get to work on the stater pit at around TRC001 sooner rather than later, like in the December quarter, there ore at the surface and is very little in the way striping required. At that point try would have ore coming out of Smarts 3, Spear-point, Larken and OC which would provide decent grades going through the mill.

    But IMO it will still be some time before we know the full extent of what OC holds

    I think the market knows/expects poor production result for the June quarter and a bit of improvement in the current quarter.

    Kind of a pity that try have so much on their plate atm and a bit strapped for cash, with the current gold price Smarts underground would probably be viable, from memory there is 300-400 oz down there
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