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Cross referenced the eastern assay results for lines 200 and...

  1. 3,259 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9243
    Cross referenced the eastern assay results for lines 200 and 400m east of the highlight assays in this announcement.

    Two intersections, one on each line, at 1%+ Nb2O5 plus high back ground residuals (c1%).
    These reflect the assays in Hole EAL008 -34m 1% with4m@ 4% (residual c0.5%) a further 200m east.


    The current sweet spot is open to the west with narrowing to east and lower grades.
    The priority of assaying does give a hint of what might be expected in grades.

    Lots more to come from exploration.

    Last edited by salpetie: 09/07/24
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