SPR 1.89% $1.35 spartan resources limited

Ann: New Wide Intercepts Confirm Gilbey's Nth as a Game Changer, page-31

  1. 1,857 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 409
    Hi @speculator101, thanks for your thoughts (and thanks to others also, very interesting guys),

    wrt your comment “Drilling to continue non-stop, but, it will become more measured, which they state is partially to balance out expenditure (being careful with the purse strings?). Hopefully this is just prudence, and nothing to do with leaner quarters to come. ”

    I read this as there will be only one drill on-site the first time (and like you I thought oh, we are in for a lean quarter and worried about cashflow and backing off on drilling) but looking again, I think SL is just saying that the focus of drilling is now turning more to infill drilling in the main pit and Plymouth but there will be one drill continuing to do extensional drilling?

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